I started out with cardboard, chipboard, paper bags, and paint. After everything was painted and dry, I punched holes through everything and put on the jump rings. Decorating the front was fun, I went with my grandmother's old sheet music and the "One Fine Day" set from Wendy Hammer Designs. Isn't the pinwheel awesome! The stems are cardboard that I painted with Fresh Green paint from Creative Inspirations.

I have to say, I love this so much! Rylie loved it too and it inspired her to make me a "love" book. She drew pictures of me and her, and glued several pages together. It is so sweet, and definitely a keeper, so that is the little rolled scroll already in her album! Next task: To make one for Mason's art!
So, what do you think? Do you like this idea, and will you try something like it?
**OH, I forgot to mention the size of it! It is 8.5 x 11, so I will be keeping small creations, or rolling them up. I can always make the album wider with larger jump rings.**
what a beautiful project!! Gorgeous!
I love it...did you just use regular sized paper bags that you'd bring groceries home in? I bet you could do something with larger manilla envelopes, too (I have a bunch of those 11x14 ones for some reason...at least, I used to. With my luck, I tossed them in one of my cleaning frenzies!!)
What a great idea. You both will love looking back on this for years to come.....
I love that you used regular paper bags on this. I imagine them to be small, like the size of 8x10 that you might get at Hallmark when you buy cards...NOT that I BUY cards EVER...just sayin'! Great project!
Great idea! The album cover is adorable.
This is a great idea and it looks fabulous!
That is such a great idea!! Believe it or not. Connor doesn't like to be creative much that way. I really only have a few pieces of art work (other than school work) that he has done.
This is too cute! What a fabulous way to keep those memories and projects! This is awesome!
This is super cute and such a great idea. I don't have any kids but I will send my SIL here to see this. I bet she'll love it to! :)
This is super cool, I bet your daughter loves is thrilled to have such a cute place to put her artwork!
This is so cute! I too feel over run with art! What a great idea!
THat's an awesome project!
This is a great project.
For my girls I made one out of manila envelopes. It was for their report cards and special awards.
Mine is very simply done, I want to do it over ;)
I had an idea along the same lines as my daughter is a bit of a budding artist. She is only 5 years old and I have boxes full of artwork (especially dogs) that she has done over the years. You have inspired me.
truly a beautiful project!
just wanted to pop on over and say thanks for stopping by my blog siehledwithakiss.blogspot.com earlier this week and taking the time to write such a kind comment. I would be honored if you stopped by again sometime or even signed up to follow me. thanks again! mary pat
Such a fantastic idea Rebecca!!! Love love love it!!!
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http://wendyhammerdesigns.blogspot.com/ - My Blog ♥
I love it, too! What a great idea! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment!
Beautiful album! I love the flowers on the front!!!
What a GREAT idea! I love this! My dd is only two, but we've already starting accumulating paintings and such - love this idea!
I love this idea! It's still going to be awhile before I need anything like it, but I will definately bookmark this post for the future :)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea!!!!! I have saved sooooo much from my son growing up but it's all in boxes so I will definately create one of these to have and to cherish esp since my baby will be going to college next year! Thanks for the idea and sharing with us, you are amazing!
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I love this work... is wonderful!
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